Its 4am on a Sunday - #3

I woke up today, Sunday 3rd November, at 4:00 am… not my typical Sunday start. Have I done anything since waking up? No. I’ve done nothing—just scrolled on my phone and watched YouTube. A “great” start to the day.

Did I try to go back to sleep? Yes. Was I able to? No.

So here I am now, just past 6:00 am, with my computer on and nothing to do. I feel lost and unsure of how to use my free time outside of work. At work, I’m confident and productive. But as soon as I get home, that all goes out the window. I become lazy and undisciplined. Why? I can’t say, and I don’t know.

Every week or month, I tell myself, “This is the weekend I’ll change.” But I never do. I have the next week off. Will I change for the better? Or at least commit to making better choices for myself? Hopefully…