My First Blog - #1
I am sitting here in my bedroom, thinking, "How do I even start?" Well, I have started now, so... I'd better tell you a bit about me and what this whole website will be about.
I am sitting here in my bedroom, thinking, "How do I even start?" Well, I have started now, so... I'd better tell you a bit about me and what this whole website will be about.
As I write this, I am 24 years of age, and I live at home with my dad. Yes still... renting/buying is expensive, alright. I go to the gym fairly consistently, have just started learning golf, and am single. I am currently employed full-time as a graduate surveyor, working towards my Assessment of Professional Competence (APC) to become a Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (MRICS), which I should hopefully achieve in Autumn 2023. More about this and me in the future.
So, what's this website all about? And why should you bother reading it?
I don't have an answer to either of those questions, especially the second one, but I can sort of answer the first. I like to better myself, learn, and improve. I also derive great satisfaction from helping others. After realizing that watching X hours of Netflix a day or gaming for X number of hours was a waste of my time, I thought I'd better put my time to good use.
Here's the plan – though it might change:
Articles: These will be more informative – things I have learned or done, with me trying to educate you. Or perhaps something interesting I have experienced. I will invest time into these posts.
Reading List: When I do complete a book (I promise I will), I'll upload it here with a small, non-spoiler summary and whether I recommend you buy it.
Blogs: These posts are rather informal – no planning, just writing whatever comes to mind. So, if there are grammar errors, etc., you'll just have to accept them here. These are my thoughts as they come. I'll aim to post one of these per week.
That's it for now. I hope you enjoy it.